Democracy4All – Blockchain for Governance (November 10th-11th)

Por CBCat (Centre Blockchain de Catalunya)

Llotja de Mar, Barcelona
09:00 / 10:22
Actividad Pública
The Democracy4all international conference has been held annually since 2019.

It brings together talent, experts and policymakers to share and discuss the latest advances in technology and regulation. Its orientation makes it a unique event in the world because it focuses on the use of the blockchain as an instrument of democratic improvement in terms of social, corporate and individual governance.

It offers Catalonia the opportunity to host the most important international conclave for political actors and institutions everywhere, and contributes to speeding up the dialogue between government bodies and new technologies.

Democracy4All – Blockchain for Governance (November 10th-11th)

09:00 / 10:22
Llotja de Mar, Barcelona
Actividad Pública