Freelancer Study 2023: Today’s Status, Tomorrow’s Path

Por Outvise

16:00 / 17:00
Actividad Pública

Are you keeping up with the evolving freelance landscape? The Freelancer Study 2023 report is your ticket to understanding the present and future of freelancing!

Join us for a webinar brought to you in partnership with freelance talent platforms Outvise and freelancermap.

Imagine this: Pau Cerda, Co-founder of Outvise, and Thomas Maas, CEO of Freelancermap, engaging in a captivating conversation about the future of freelancing and strategies for achieving success. It’s an event you cannot afford to miss!

Here’s what we’ve got in store:

  • Report highlights
  • Staying competitive as a freelancer
  • Effective rate-setting strategies
  • Enhancing freelance platforms with AI
  • The balance between freelance work and traditional employment

Register now and see you there!

Freelancer Study 2023: Today’s Status, Tomorrow’s Path

16:00 / 17:00
Actividad Pública