Manychat Product Engineering Meetup in Barcelona

Por Manychat

Attico Verdaguer Coworking
18:00 / 22:00
Actividad Pública

Manychat’s excited to invite Barcelona tech community to our first meetup to discuss various aspects of Product Engineering together with speakers from Manychat and Semrush.

Here’re topics we’re going to cover together:

• The role of a product engineer and why companies actively seek these specialists;
• What is specific about working in product companies compared to delivery of implementation projects;
• What businesses expect from developers, and how to write better code.

Language: English.

Location: Attico Verdaguer

Tickets: Free / Register

OnlineYouTube streaming


6:00 pm – Participant registration & welcome coffee

6:25 pm – Opening speech

6:30 pm – Product Engineer: Your Next Step in IT — Aleksandr Lavrinenko (Engineering Manager @ Manychat)

7:00 pm – What your company actually wants from your code — Sergei Iakovlev (Frontend Developer @ Manychat)

7:30 pm – Refreshment break

8:00 pm – Product development mindset for engineers — Anastasiia Kononova (Head of Engineering @ Semrush)

8:30 pm – Networking with snacks and beverages

Manychat Product Engineering Meetup in Barcelona

18:00 / 22:00
Attico Verdaguer Coworking
Actividad Pública