11 January 2024 Tech Spirit Barcelona


Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023: todos los contenidos

11 January 2024 Tech Spirit Barcelona

La cuarta edición del Tech Spirit Barcelona ha sido muy especial para todos. Aquí podéis revivir horas y horas de contenido sobre tecnología e innovación con los principales protagonistas del ecosistema. Sofá, palomitas y ¡a disfrutar!

CaixaBank Stage | DAY 1


Tech Barcelona Stage | DAY 1


CaixaBank Stage | DAY 2

Tech Barcelona Stage | DAY 2

19 December 2023 Tech Barcelona Tech Spirit Barcelona


TSB23 – DAY2 Tech Barcelona cumple 10 años y consolida el Tech Spirit Barcelona como evento tecnológico de referencia

19 December 2023 Tech Barcelona Tech Spirit Barcelona


  • La asociación, creada en 2013 por y para los emprendedores, ha celebrado su décimo aniversario durante la clausura del evento
  • Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023 ha contado con cerca de 4.000 asistentes, que han llenado los espacios de La Llotja de Mar durante dos días
  • Un nuevo informe de Mind the Bridge para Tech Barcelona reafirma que Barcelona es el principal hub tecnológico del sur de Europa, y prevé un salto cualitativo en los próximos dos años
  • Miinta, startup de salud mental para la generación ‘Z’, gana la Catalan Pitch Competition, organizada por ACCIÓ, y se alza como la Startup Catalana del Año

Barcelona, 13 de diciembre de 2023-. Tech Barcelona, la asociación privada sin ánimo de lucro que vertebra el ecosistema tecnológico y digital de la ciudad, ha celebrado su décimo aniversario en la clausura del Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023, el evento de referencia para la comunidad tecnológica local con mirada y ambición global. El evento finaliza con gran éxito su cuarta edición tras contar con cerca de 4.000 asistentes en La Llotja de Mar, consolidando las jornadas en el panorama emprendedor y de la innovación de Barcelona.

En palabras de Miguel Vicente, presidente de Tech Barcelona, “la asociación que nació del sueño de un grupo de emprendedores en 2013 ya se ha convertido en el ‘pal de paller’ del ecosistema tecnológico de Barcelona y una de las principales organizaciones de emprendedores en Europa, con más de 1.300 socios y 90 partners. Esta cuarta edición del Tech Spirit Barcelona sin duda representa la materialización de este camino de 10 años, consolidándose como el evento de referencia para el mundo emprendedor, inversor y de la innovación”.

Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023 ha tenido un total de 60 sesiones de contenido y 150 ponentes, entre ellos, más de 50 emprendedores y 30 inversores, además de corporaciones y expertos en ciencia y tecnología. Dentro de la estrategia de Tech Barcelona para avanzar hasta la paridad de género y dar visibilidad al talento femenino en el sector tecnológico, el evento ha contado con un 39% de mujeres y un 61% de hombres.

Esta cuarta edición ha estado protagonizada por la inteligencia artificial, la computación cuántica, la tecnología en salud, la cultura digital, la sostenibilidad, el estado de la inversión y el emprendimiento. Durante la segunda jornada, en concreto, hemos visto pasar por el CaixaBank Stage y Tech Barcelona Stage a startups y scaleups como Keybotic Mitiga Solutions, 011h, Heecap, Mochi Robot, Freenow, Qonto o Rever; y corporaciones como HP, Mango, Boehringer Ingelheim, LinkedIn, Naturgy, Nestlé, Indra, Barça Innovation Hub, Microsoft o Amazon.


Barcelona, principal hub tecnológico del sur de Europa

“The Barcelona Startup Ecosystem”, un nuevo informe de Tech Barcelona y Mind the Bridge presentado en el Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023, sitúa a Barcelona como el principal hub tecnológico del sur de Europa: con 409 scaleups capaces de recaudar 8.700 millones de dólares, alberga el 42% del ecosistema total de scaleups de España y representa el 46% del capital total recaudado por scaleups españolas. La ciudad también ha alimentado un vibrante ecosistema de startups en fase inicial, con más de 1.700 startups y 7 unicornios.

Según la consultora Mind The Bridge, Barcelona se encuentra en la fase “Early Scaleup” del ciclo de vida del ecosistema de innovación mundial, ocupando el puesto 30 a escala mundial. Se prevé que la ciudad pase a la fase “Late Scaleup” en los próximos 2 o 3 años.


Miinta, Startup Catalana del Año

ACCIÓ ha celebrado la Catalan Pitch Competition, en la cual han premiado a Miinta como la Startup Catalana del Año. Durante la competición, se ha puesto en valor el propósito y el modelo de negocio de 26 startups. Albert Castellanos, Secretari d’Empresa i Competitivitat de la Generalitat y conseller delegat d’ACCIÓ, ha subrayado que “la Catalan Pitch Competition es la mejor muestra de la capacidad de Catalunya de ser un polo de talento y atracción de inversores y proyectos de emprendimiento. Un ecosistema de empresas emergentes que Castellanos considera “clave para situar Catalunya como un territorio líder en innovación y disrupción tecnológica: las startups son una de las vías más efectivas para generar impacto social y económico de todo el conocimiento que genera Catalunya”.

Asimismo, los proyectos SimTwins, OneCareAI y HoriZyme han sido galardonados en el Innovation Journey del Barcelona Supercomputing Center; y la aceleradora Bridge Call de EduCaixa ha premiado 10 startups de impacto lideradas por jóvenes emprendedores.


12 December 2023 Tech Spirit Barcelona


TSB23 – DAY 1 | Ferran Soriano, Avi Meir, los inversores y la inteligencia artificial protagonizan la primera jornada

12 December 2023 Tech Spirit Barcelona
  • En el primer día del evento han participado ponentes de reconocidas startups, instituciones y corporaciones globales como TravelPerk, Neuroelectrics, Holaluz, Tools For Humanity, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Google, Twitch y Manchester City FC
  • “Gemini se comporta como el mejor de los expertos humanos”, ha destacado Google en la presentación en Barcelona de su nueva herramienta de inteligencia artificial
  • Además, la jornada ha contado con un track específico de inversión pública y privada, en el que han participado más de 30 inversores nacionales e internacionales

Barcelona, 12 de diciembre de 2023-. La cuarta edición de Tech Spirit Barcelona, el evento promovido por la asociación Tech Barcelona con el fin de potenciar y visibilizar el ecosistema tecnológico y digital, ha comenzado con una notable afluencia de emprendedores, inversores y corporaciones innovadoras, reforzando la posición de Barcelona como centro de atracción para el talento, la inversión y el desarrollo de empresas tecnológicas. Se han contabilizado 9.000 registros para participar en el evento celebrado en la Llotja de Mar.

En la inauguración institucional han participado Albert Castellanos, secretari d’Empresa i Competitivitat de la Generalitat de Catalunya; Jordi Valls, teniente de alcalde de Economia, Hisenda, Promoció Econòmica i Turisme del Ajuntament de Barcelona; y Miguel Vicente, presidente de Tech Barcelona. Posteriormente, ha dado comienzo la jornada de dos días que contará con ponencias y coloquios distribuidos en los escenarios Caixabank Stage y Tech Barcelona Stage, para debatir sobre el presente y el futuro del ecosistema, así como historias de éxito de reconocidos emprendedores, startups, corporaciones e inversores, y la presentación de tecnologías disruptivas.

“La ciencia tiene que ser útil y relevante para la sociedad”, ha expresado Mateo Valero, director del Barcelona Supercomputing Center, remarcando el impacto que debe tener la transferencia tecnológica en las personas. De hecho, la supercomputación y los ordenadores cuánticos, en palabras del CTO de IBM España, Enric Delgado, nos abren un mundo de “casi infinitas posibilidades” en este sentido.

Sobre tendencias tecnológicas, relativas principalmente a la inteligencia artificial, ha hablado el experto Josep Maria Ganyet, CEO de Mortensen. Sin olvidar a Pablo Calier, responsable de Data Analytics & IA en Google Cloud Iberia, que, por primera vez en Barcelona, ha presentado ‘Gemini’, la nueva herramienta de inteligencia artificial de Google: “La IA tiene que ser útil y llegar a todo el mundo de forma sostenible y responsable, y Gemini es el modelo más capaz creado hasta la fecha”, ha asegurado Carlier.

Por su parte, Ricardo Macieira ha explicado Worldcoin, el nuevo proyecto innovador del fundador de Open AI Sam Altman, que pretende construir la mayor red de identidad digital del mundo mediante criptomonedas biométricas con reconocimiento de iris.

Hoy más que nunca, la tecnología llega a todos los sectores; desde “la anatomía del hype” en Twitch, hasta la disrupción en modelos de negocio tradicionales como el sector de los viajes o el deporte. Ferran Soriano, CEO del Manchester City FC: “Hace veinte años el fútbol lo gestionaba la gente del fútbol. Ahora se trata de ser disruptor en el negocio”. O Avi Meir, cofundador y CEO de TravelPerk: “Ser emprendedor implica estar abierto al cambio, a aprender rápido”.

Tech Spirit Barcelona es un evento para la comunidad local, con mirada y ambición global. Por ello, la jornada también ha contado con caras reconocidas del ecosistema tecnológico de Barcelona, como Ana Maiques y Giulio Ruffini, cofundadores de Neuroelectrics; Lucas Carné, cofundador de 011h; Bernardo Hernández, presidente de Solón Ventures; o Carlota Pi, cofundadora y presidenta de Holaluz, que han destacado el papel del sector digital y tecnológico como motor económico y embajador de la ciudad en el mundo. En el panel de nuevos héroes locales han participado Oriol Fuertes, cofundador de Qida, y Marta Barrachina, CEO y cofundadora de ADmit Therapeutics.

Además, más de 30 inversores nacionales e internacionales han hablado del estado de la inversión pública y privada, con buenas perspectivas. Marcel Rafart, cofundador de Galdana Ventures en 2016, ha expuesto la importancia de los datos y cómo desde Barcelona gestionan un fondo de fondos de 1.800 millones de dólares que tiene bajo el radar a cerca de 5.000 compañías tecnológicas en América, Europa y Asia. “Lo que vemos en Estados Unidos a nivel tecnológico, en 6 meses lo tenemos en Europa. No hace mucho, tardaba en llegar unos dos o tres años”, ha añadido Javier Rubió, también cofundador de Galdana Ventures. Lina Chong (Target Global), Ben Marrel (Breega), Sarah Drinkwater (Common Magic), Carlos Blanco (Encomenda), Miguel Planas (Iris Ventures), Aquilino Peña (Kibo Ventures) o José del Barrio (Samaipata) son ejemplos de inversores invitados a la cita de referencia.

Durante esta primera jornada, y con el objetivo de dinamizar el ecosistema y facilitar la captación de financiación por parte de las empresas emergentes catalanas, ACCIÓ también ha organizado la Catalan Pitch Competition, en la que 27 empresas emergentes han explicado en un minuto su modelo de negocio. La final de la competición se celebrará mañana para decidir cuál es la Startup Catalana del Año.

En su cuarta edición, Tech Spirit Barcelona cuenta con la participación de más de 140 ponentes en más de 60 ponencias y el apoyo de ACCIÓ (Generalitat de Catalunya), Ajuntament de Barcelona, CaixaBank, Port de Barcelona, Institut Català de Finances, Acciona, Adevinta Spain, Amazon Web Services, BME, Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona, Damm, Danone, dwfRCD, EAE Business School, Ferrer, Freenow, Fundació ‘la Caixa’, G-P, HP, La Vanguardia, Mango, McCann, Mind the Bridge, Mobile World Capital Barcelona, Naturgy, Nestlé, Payment Innovation Hub, SCCE, seQura, Tranxfer, Wayra, Zone2boost, Estrella Damm, Mindset Consulting y Nespresso.

7 December 2023 Tech Spirit Barcelona


10 reasons to attend Tech Spirit Barcelona 2023

7 December 2023 Tech Spirit Barcelona




Avi Meir (TravelPerk), Sarah Drinkwater (Common Magic), Aquilino Peña (Kibo Ventures), Pablo Carlier (Google Cloud), Irene Gómez (Keybotic), Carlota Pi (Holaluz), Ángel Sáenz de Cenzano (LinkedIn), and many more have confirmed their participation.



Keynotes, fireside chats, interviews, workshops… Two days of non-stop content on innovation, technology and the most important industries in the local and international scene.



We expect more than 8,000 registrations for this fourth edition. That means thousands of opportunities. Prepare your digital business card!



A good day needs a better ending. Music, drinks and the best atmosphere to talk with your friends, colleagues or new contacts. You’ll love this for sure.



You will not be the same person after this edition. The event will blow your mind and the content will provoke questions you’ve never imagined before. Tech ‘Inspiring’ Barcelona 2023!



Truly impressive. Historic building Llotja de Mar holds a lot of Catalan culture and art history. And now, it also includes technology and innovation. Will look amazing on your Insta Stories.



When talking about ‘The Liquid Side of Life’, it’s mandatory mentioning Damm & Nespresso, the fabulous suppliers of beer, water and coffee. Tasty.



Yes. It’s our 10th anniversary and we want you to be part of the celebration. “TB is living a celebration, nuestro sueño, una realidad…”



Our partners at FREENOW have thought about making your life easier during Tech Spirit days by launching a promotion for new users. Take this opportunity!



23 December 2022 Tech Spirit Barcelona


Tech Spirit Barcelona 2022: all contents

23 December 2022 Tech Spirit Barcelona

The third edition of Tech Spirit Barcelona has left us with a lot of top-level content on technology and innovation. And as we don’t want anyone to miss it, here you can relive all the presentations. Enjoy!


CaixaBank Stage | DAY 1


Tech Barcelona Stage | DAY 1


CaixaBank Stage | DAY 2


Tech Barcelona Stage | DAY 2

5 December 2022 TB news Tech Spirit Barcelona


Tech Spirit 2022 in the press

5 December 2022 TB news Tech Spirit Barcelona

With more than 9,000 registered participants and 140 top-level speakers, the media did not want to miss the third edition of Tech Spirit, the benchmark event in Barcelona’s technological and digital ecosystem. Here is a summary of the main impacts on television, radio and press:





  • El Món, RAC1 (30/11/2022).




2 December 2022 TB news Tech Spirit Barcelona


DAY 2 | Tech Spirit Barcelona consolidates its presence with more than 9,000 registrations

2 December 2022 TB news Tech Spirit Barcelona
  • The event has been attended by a total of 140 speakers, including more than 90 entrepreneurs, more than 30 investors, as well as corporations and experts in different technologies
  • In the Catalan Pitch Competition, organised by ACCIÓ, the winning startup was Real Deal Milk
  • The sessions analysed the impact of Artificial Intelligence and blockchain, sustainable consumption, NFT and crypto investment, as well as the keys to success in different sectors

Barcelona, 1 December 2022-. Tech Spirit Barcelona, the benchmark event for the local technology community with a global outlook and ambition, successfully concludes its third edition after more than 9,000 registered participants, double the number of the previous year, and more than 50 presentations held over two days at La Llotja de Mar in Barcelona.

This edition of Tech Spirit Barcelona was supported by Acció (Generalitat de Catalunya), Ajuntament de Barcelona, CaixaBank, Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona, Estrella Damm, HP – Printing Emotions by Alium, Institut Català de Finances, Mango, Mobile World Congress, Port de Barcelona, Wayra – Telefónica Innovation, LLYC, dwfRCD, McCann, La Vanguardia and Llotja de Mar – Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona, as host.

The event had a total of 140 speakers, including more than 90 entrepreneurs, more than 30 investors, and 20 corporations participated in the different round tables and conferences. As part of Tech Barcelona’s strategy to advance towards gender parity and give visibility to female talent in the technology sector, 35% of the speakers at the event were women and 65% were men, who took to the stage to talk about their success stories and their business vision.

In the words of Miquel Martí, CEO of Tech Barcelona, “in this 3rd edition, Tech Spirit Barcelona has established itself as the benchmark event for the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Barcelona. In this edition, we have counted with great entrepreneurs, investors and corporations, in a demonstration of why Barcelona has become a technological hub of reference at European level”.

On the CaixaBank stage, Toni Ruiz, CEO of Mango, focused on the creation of a digital ecosystem, “At Mango, we are committed to technology and innovation as a basic pillar of our business model. In recent years we have focused on building a technological ecosystem of experiences, services and products, seeking to unite the digital world with the physical world and always with the aim of providing the best service to our customers”.

Toni Ruiz, CEO at Mango.

Also, Mar Galtés (Tech Barcelona) talked to Rubén Bonet, the co-founder of Fractus, about the history and learnings of the startup that is the great story of technology transfer in Barcelona in the last 20 years.

On stage at Tech Barcelona, Xavier Juárez, HP Construction Services Director, spoke about the creation of an innovative robotic solution. “HP SitePrint is a revolutionary robotic solution born of intrapreneurship thanks to an internal company competition in which a team of HP employees realised their dream. This project was worked on and incubated within the company as if it were a new startup, drawing on all the talent and innovation of the HP centre in Sant Cugat del Vallés, until today, when this idea proposed by HP employees is already beginning to be marketed. The HP SitePrint solution is a perfect example of how a company can bet on a great idea and local talent,” adds Juárez.

In addition, investment firms such as Aldea Ventures, Inveready, Kibo Ventures, Nina Capital, Farside/101 Venutres, Nuclio, among others, have been in charge of explaining the trend change that corporate venturing and private equity are experiencing in the complex socio-economic context.

ACCIÓ also held the Catalan Pitch Competition, in which Real Deal Milk was awarded the Catalan Startup of the Year. During the competition, the purpose and business model of 27 startups was highlighted. Albert Castellanos, Secretary for Enterprise and Competitiveness of the Government of Catalonia and CEO of ACCIÓ, stressed that “through the Catalan Pitch Competition we showcase the talent that the city of Barcelona hosts, which once again demonstrates its wealth and capacity as a European technology hub to attract founders and workers from all over the world in a complex socioeconomic context such as the current one”.

Real Deal Milk, winner of Catalan Startup of the year

The event concluded with a panel discussion “Everything you always wanted to know about entrepreneurship (but were afraid to ask)”, in which experienced entrepreneurs shared their vision and answered questions from young entrepreneurs.

2 December 2022 TB news Tech Spirit Barcelona


DAY 1 | Digital and technological ecosystem meets again at Tech Spirit Barcelona

2 December 2022 TB news Tech Spirit Barcelona
  • Speakers from renowned startups and global corporations such as Factorial, PepsiCo, TradeInn, Platanomelón, Vicio, Factorial HR, Wayra, among others, participated in the first day
  • Drone company Only10s has flown its drone inside Tech Spirit to capture unique moments and never-before-seen images of the event

Barcelona, 30 November 2022-. Tech Spirit Barcelona, the event promoted by Tech Barcelona to mobilise and give visibility to the digital and technological ecosystem, has started with a high attendance of entrepreneurs, investors and innovative corporations that corroborate the positioning of Barcelona as a hub for talent, investment and the creation of technology companies. As of this morning, 8,500 people had registered to attend the event, which was held this morning at Llotja de Mar.

After the institutional inauguration, the two-day event began with talks and colloquiums on the Caixabank Stage and Tech Barcelona Stage, to discuss the present and future of the ecosystem, as well as the success stories of renowned entrepreneurs and startups.

Opening session of Tech Spirit Barcelona 2022 by Roger Torrent, MH Conseller d’Empresa i Treball de la Generalitat de Catalunya; Michael Donaldson, the Commissioner for Digital Innovation, eGovernment and Good Governance of Barcelona City Council; Mònica Roca, the President of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce; Albert Pijuan, the Director of the Entrepreneurship and StartUps Committee of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce; and Francesc Fajula, the CEO of Mobile World Capital Barcelona.

“Local Heroes” brought together three significant success stories from the ecosystem to analyse the future potential of Barcelona as a base for the creation of new success stories and unicorns. Jordi Romero, co-founder and CEO of Factorial, shared his personal experience as the driving force behind the latest unicorn born in Barcelona’s entrepreneurial ecosystem. “Startups may not have resources, but we have the capacity to go faster than large corporations. It is possible that in Barcelona we are late compared to other digital and technological ecosystems, but we have the attributes that a city needs to become the first. I am optimistic,” adds Romero.

In the words of Ana Maiques, co-founder and CEO of Neuroelectrics: “Barcelona has the ability to attract talent, and we have a culture and a value that makes us different, a European way of doing business. We are the city of creators and we need to boost this aspect, which is a challenge. We need more ‘Wallbox’, ‘Glovos’ and ‘Factorials'”. Maiques added, “We have to keep working, because Europe is the continent lagging behind in the creation of startups.” Pol Valls, founder of Submer, highlighted the role of sustainability in any future-oriented business.

David Martin, CEO of Tradeinn, an e-commerce company founded in Girona and which this year will have a turnover of more than 400 million euros, explained the path that has led him to position Tradeinn as an e-commerce giant. “TradeInn is a company that covers a wide market, which is why our website is translated into 18 languages and has multiple payment methods. We sell in markets such as the United States, Japan, Australia, among others. It is for this reason that the creation of in-house technology has played a key role in adapting the company to each specific market. Even so, we collaborate with external partners on specific issues. TradeInn’s CEO also stresses that “TradeInn is a profitable company, because from the beginning it has made a profit that has been reinvested in improving our technology with the sole objective of increasing our sales”. Finally, Martin assures that “the future of the retail sector is online sales, the physical shop will take a back seat because people no longer like to go shopping”.

David Martin, CEO at TradeInn.

Pavlo Kartashov, Director of Ukrainian Startup Fund, was interviewed live by Carmen Ríos, founder and COO of Doctomatic, to explain how Ukraine is betting on the technology sector for the reconstruction of the country after the war: “from Ukrainian Startup Fund we provide financial and non-financial support to startups, developing an ecosystem and bringing the community and the Ukrainian ecosystem and key players to an international level. In 3 years of activity we have already funded more than two hundred Ukrainian startups”. We are building an ecosystem that is already very strong.”

Speakers included Pere Vallès, CEO of Exoticca; Francesc López, COO and co-founder of Stayforlong; Ross McNairn, Chief Product Officer and Technology Officer of Travelperk and Toni Raurich-Marcet, co-founder and managing partner of eBooking.com, who discussed the attraction and strengths of Barcelona to dominate the future of the global travel industry.

Aleix Puig, CEO at Vicio.

The presentations focused on key issues for the growth of the ecosystem such as trends in public-private investment, artificial intelligence, web3 and Blockchain technology, as well as the main drivers that attract large companies to locate their digital hub in the city of Barcelona.


A Drone’s Eye View and Catalan Pitch Competition

The drone company Only10s has flown its drone over the Tech Spirit to capture unique moments and unpublished images of the Llotja, as well as of the different conferences held during the event. The images captured will soon be available on Tech Barcelona’s social networks.

During this first day, and with the aim of boosting the ecosystem and facilitating the raising of funding by Catalan start-ups, ACCIÓ also organised the Catalan Pitch Competition, in which 27 start-ups explained their business model in one minute to the most representative investors in Catalonia.

16 November 2022 TB news Tech Spirit Barcelona


More than 4,000 registrations two weeks before Tech Spirit Barcelona

16 November 2022 TB news Tech Spirit Barcelona
  • The tech event, to be held on 30 November and 1 December at La Llotja de Mar, has already exceeded 4,000 registrations
  • Focused on innovation and aimed at startups, corporations and investors, the event will feature more than 130 speakers and will host the Catalan Pitch Competition.
  • Tech Barcelona promotes the event with the support of Acció – Generalitat de Catalunya, Ajuntament de Barcelona, CaixaBank, Consorci de la Zona Franca Barcelona, Estrella Damm, HP – Printing Emotions by Alium, Institut Català de Finances, Mango, Mobile World Congress, Port de Barcelona, Wayra – Telefónica Innovation, LLYC, dwfRCD, McCann, La Vanguardia and Llotja de Mar – Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona, as host.

Barcelona, 16 November 2022 – Tech Spirit Barcelona celebrates its 3rd edition and has become the benchmark meeting for the local technology community with an international outlook and ambition. The event, promoted by Tech Barcelona, will take place on 30 November and 1 December at the Llotja de Mar in Barcelona, and will bring together entrepreneurs, startups, scaleups, corporations and investment funds to discuss the present and future of the sector as well as share success stories and stories of the ecosystem.

With the slogan “In Barcelona, we tech”, Tech Spirit Barcelona already has 4,000 registrations and more than 130 confirmed speakers in 60 colloquiums and round tables. Featured speakers include Toni Ruiz (CEO of Mango), David Martín (founder and CEO of Tradeinn), Elisenda Bou-Balust (founder of Vilynx and Head of Apple Media Knowledge), Alexandre Prot (co-founder and CEO of Qonto), Ana Boldú (CEO of Platanomelón), Rob Cassedy (CEO of Wallapop), Carlos Blanco (Encomenda Smart Capital), Ana Maiques (CEO of Neuroelectrics), Aleix Puig (CEO of Vicio), Carlota Pi (Executive President of Holaluz) and Jaume Roures (CEO and founder of Mediapro), among others.

The event’s two stages will also feature representatives of success stories from the entrepreneurial sector such as Factorial HR, Tropicfeel, Exoticca, Minoryx, Ona Therapeutics, Doctomatic, Methinks AI, Roka Furadada, Vottun, Bloock, Citibeats, Worldsensing, 011h, Housfy, Venvirotech and Hannun; the vision of organisations such as Barcelona Supercomputing Center and America’s Cup Team New Zealand; international projects such as HP, Pepsico, Nestlé and Danone; and the investment point of view of Wayra, Antai Venture Builder, Asabys, Encomenda Smart Capital, Notion, Aldea Ventures, Inveready, Korelya Capital, Seastainable Ventures, 4Founders and Digital Horizon VC, among others.

Pavlo Kartashov, CEO of the Ukrainian Startup Fund, will explain from Kiev how Ukraine is relying on the technology sector for the future reconstruction of the country.

On the other hand, the Catalan Pitch Competition, organised by ACCIÓ, will be held, in which 27 start-ups will compete. The startups will have one minute to explain their business model to the public and to a panel of experts made up of investors, who will be in charge of naming the Catalan Startup of the Year.

Tech Spirit Barcelona is supported by ACCIÓ (the agency for competitiveness of the Departament d’Empresa i Treball of the Generalitat de Catalunya), Ajuntament de Barcelona, CaixaBank, Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona, Estrella Damm, HP – Printing Emotions by Alium, Institut Català de Finances, Mango, Mobile World Congress, Port de Barcelona, Wayra – Telefónica Innovation, LLYC, dwfRCD, McCann, La Vanguardia and Llotja de Mar – Cambra de Comerç de Barcelona, as host.

During the event, which is free of charge and requires prior registration, the public will be able to enjoy the experiences of renowned national and international entrepreneurs, as well as the experience and vision of major corporations and investment funds that have committed to Barcelona as an international technology hub.

Barcelona, a pole of attraction for talent and investment

Barcelona’s startup ecosystem is made up of more than 1,900 startups, a figure that strengthens the city’s position as the leading European technology hub in Southern Europe. Growth in recent years has been sustained: the number of startups has grown by 11.4% compared to 2020, and by 75% compared to 2016, according to ACCIÓ data.

The startups as a whole have a turnover of €1.71 billion and have generated more than 19,300 jobs. The Catalan ecosystem has demonstrated its ability to attract international talent, as 25% of the workers and 17% of the founders of the startups are foreigners. In terms of investment, 2021 was a record year for startups in the ecosystem, which raised a total of €1,479M.

With the aim of positioning itself as a point of reference in the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Tech Spirit Barcelona was born in February 2020 spontaneously when a group of entrepreneurs reacted to the cancellation of 4YFN and the Mobile World Congress (MWC), and has managed to consolidate itself as a benchmark event for the entrepreneurial, technological and innovation ecosystem.

23 December 2021 Tech Spirit Barcelona


Tech Spirit Barcelona 2021: all the content

23 December 2021 Tech Spirit Barcelona

En Tech Spirit Barcelona 2021 pudimos comprobar la fortaleza del ecosistema de Barcelona y conocimos de primera mano las grandes tendencias de emprendimiento, innovación e inversión que lideran la actual transformación tecnológica y digital.



Hemos recopilado aquí las grabaciones de todas las sesiones, para que puedas revivir los mejores momentos y recuperar  las mesas redondas y keynotes.  Son más de 25 horas de contenido muy muy top. Sólo hay que hacer click en cada uno de los programas para obtener la contraseña y el link de acceso a Vimeo. ¡Y a disfrutar!



See you next year!

#TechSpiritBarcelona 2022