30 November 2023 TB Members Calling


TB Members Calling #85 | Tomàs Lóbez: “Empieza pequeño, sin querer abarcar más de lo que puedes en cada momento”

30 November 2023 TB Members Calling

Ganar el premio a la Millor Startup Catalana de l’Any 2021 es sinónimo de calidad emprendedora e impacto positivo en la sociedad. Tomàs Lóbez (Barcelona, 1995) es el CEO y fundador de Nixi for Children, una startup que desarrolla experiencias de realidad virtual que ayudan a los pacientes pediátricos y sus familias a reducir la ansiedad en los hospitales. Formado en diseño gráfico, pronto se enamoró de la realidad virtual, y dedicó su primera etapa profesional a buscar el impacto social mediante esta tecnología.

“Nixi nació como un proyecto final de carrera, en el que pudimos identificar esta necesidad en los quirófanos. El primer prototipo no tenía la apariencia que tiene ahora, pero fue suficiente para convencer al primer hospital que podían confiar en la capacidad del proyecto”.

TB: ¿Cuál es el propósito de tu proyecto?

TL: Acortar la brecha entre la información y los niños. El primero objetivo es acercarlos al quirófano y reducir su ansiedad con realidad virtual. Miramos qué tecnología tiene más sentido para cada tipo de paciente.


TB: ¿En qué momento se encuentra y dónde lo ves dentro de dos años?

TL: En una fase de crecimiento. Justo hemos acabado la fase de validación, en la que hemos tenido ensayos clínicos y casos de uso exitosos. Y ahora estamos replicando el modelo hacia otras áreas de la salud y escalando el proyecto a nivel internacional, poniendo el foco en Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica. En dos años, nos gustaría ver a Nixi trabajando en un sentido más amplio, no sólo con niños enfermos.


TB: Una buena idea que has tenido.

TL: Empezar pequeño, paso a paso, y no querer abarcar más de lo que podía en cada momento. Y dejarme llevar por la intuición.


TB: ¿Cúal es el mayor desafío al que te has enfrentado?

TL: La conciliación personal y laboral.


TB: El mejor consejo que te han dado.

TL: Confiar en las personas y dar oportunidades a aquellas que tienen talento. Y muchas veces no es la persona más obvia, la más preparada o con mejor currículum. El éxito depende de las personas que tenemos dentro del equipo.


TB: Un referente profesional que te inspire.

TL: Verena del Valle, psicóloga Child Life catalano-suiza que fue pionera en este campo cuando aquí aún no existía. Debería haber más personas así en el sector de la salud.


TB: Una tecnología que marcará el futuro.

TL: La IA.


TB: ¿Presencial o remoto?

TL: Presencial.


TB: Una startup o compañía.

TL: Heura. Es muy interesante su enfoque a nivel de marca: rebeldes por una buena causa.


TB: ¿Qué haces para desconectar?

TL: Volar en parapente.


TB: Un libro para recomendar.

TL: “Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth”, de Buckminster Fuller.


TB: Una serie, película o canción que defina tu momento vital.

TL: En la oficina nos ponemos la banda sonora de “Interstellar” para trabajar. Y también recomiendo “Man on Wire”, el documental del funambulista que caminó sobre un alambre entre las torres gemelas.


TB: Una receta, un restaurante.

TL: Si sólo pudiera comer una cosa en mi vida, serían los espaguetis a la carbonara.


TB: Un lugar del mundo.

TL: Sant Llorenç de Montgai. Tendría una casa de pueblo allí.


TB: ¿Dónde invertirías 100k?

TL: Montaría mi propia fundación.


TB: Si no fueras emprendedor…

TL: Me gustaría identificar problemas y generar ideas. Ya fuera en IDEO o en cualquier lugar que me permitiera tener ideas como creativo publicitario. Aunque eso me generaría dilemas éticos.


TB: ¿Qué es para ti Tech Barcelona?

TL: Otros emprendedores y emprendedoras que están pasando por lo mismo. Un espacio donde nos podemos apoyar mútuamente.

23 November 2023 TB Members Calling


TB Members Calling #84 | Nuria Gutiérrez: “We have gone from producing on demand to working with stock”

23 November 2023 TB Members Calling

“This Black Friday you can get a year’s worth of clothes for free”, said Nuria Gutiérrez (Barcelona, 2001) in a recent viral TikTok. Only the new generations could combine the role of CMO and, at the same time, be the visible face in networks of CoastBcn: the brand of sweatshirts, T-shirts and trousers created in Barcelona, with the sea and freedom as the main protagonists.

A LEINN graduate from the University of Mondragón, Nuria decided to launch her own fashion ecommerce with her brother Carlos while she was still studying. Because it is never too early to start a business. And to succeed. Since its creation, the brand has already had a turnover of one and a half million euros.


TB: What is the purpose of your project?

NG: Our aim is to offer quality garments at an affordable price, for a young public who love the coast and the sea.


TB: Where do you stand and where do you see it in two years’ time?

NG: Right now we are in a moment of transition: we have moved from producing on demand to working with stock to improve the customer experience. In 2 years’ time, we see ourselves with a much larger community and a physical presence, as right now our only sales channel is online.


TB: A good idea you have had.

NG: CoastBcn’s name.


TB: What is the biggest challenge you have faced?

NG: Our main difficulty has been learning from scratch how to manage logistics with stock.


TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.

NG: When something scares you, do it anyway, because that’s where the best learning comes from. To evolve we have to get out of our comfort zone.


TB: A professional reference that inspires you.

NG: My brother and partner Carlos. He is one of the bravest and most persevering people I know. He is a clear example that with effort and desire you can achieve anything you want.


TB: A technology that will shape the future.



TB: On-site or remote?

NG: 100% face-to-face. It is true that remote can streamline many processes, but there is nothing like working hand in hand with your team.


TB: A startup or company.

NG: B3tter.


TB: What do you do to unwind?

NG: Spending time with people close to me: family, friends, partner…


TB: A book to recommend.

NG: “Encuentra tu persona vitamina”, by Marian Rojas.


TB: A recipe, a restaurant.

NG: Sushi restaurant “Akuma”.


TB: A place in the world.

NG: Costa Rica.


TB: Where would you invest 100k?

NG: In talent for Coast.


TB: If you weren’t an entrepreneur…

NG: I would be working in the education sector.


TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?

NG: A community from which you can get very good contacts.

16 November 2023 TB Members Calling


TB Members Calling #83 | Pau Guasch: “Nuestras costas estarán custodiadas por robots inteligentes que actuarán como satélites”

16 November 2023 TB Members Calling

Nacido bajo la influencia de un pueblo costero, apasionado por la tecnología y el progreso humano. Si unes las pasiones de Pau Guasch Píriz (Torredembarra, 1982), junto a su formación en ingeniería industrial, energías renovables y obra marítima, obtienes una carrera profesional estrechamente ligada al mar, la tecnología y el emprendimiento. Tras cofundar cuatro compañías tecnológicas, ahora centra sus esfuerzos en Seabots, spin-off de GPAINNOVA dedicada al desarrollo de robótica marina y vehículos de superficie no tripulados (USV) para el análisis, conservación y restauración del medio marino.


TB: ¿Cuál es el propósito de tu proyecto?

PG: Facilitar la preservación marina mediante la robótica. El uso de tecnología nos debe ayudar a afrontar los retos ambientales, sociales y económicos de nuestros océanos.


TB: ¿En qué momento se encuentra y dónde lo ves dentro de dos años?

PG: En 4 años hemos desplegado más de 40 robots en unas 200 misiones, recolectando información de mares y océanos. En pocos años más, nuestras costas estarán custodiadas por robots inteligentes que actuarán como satélites, facilitando la toma de decisiones y asegurando nuestros mares como fuente de progreso y bienestar.


TB: Una buena idea que has tenido.

PG: Fusionar pasión y propósito.


TB: ¿Cúal es el mayor desafío al que te has enfrentado?

PG: Hasta el momento, ser padre.


TB: El mejor consejo que te han dado.

PG: “Vuelva usted mañana, el señor no se ha levantado todavía” [en referencia a la obra de Mariano José Larra].


TB: Un referente profesional que te inspire.

PG: Admiro a mi buen amigo y compañero de aventuras, Pau Sarsanedas. La resiliencia hecha persona.


TB: Una tecnología que marcará el futuro.

PG: La inteligencia artificial.


TB: ¿Presencial o remoto?

PG: De mente presente.


TB: Una startup o compañía.

PG: Neuralink, la empresa de neurotecnología de Elon Musk.


TB: ¿Qué haces para desconectar?

PG: Remar. Hacer deporte en contacto con la naturaleza.


TB: Un libro para recomendar.

PG: “Desobediencia civil y otros escritos”, de Henry Thoreau.


TB: Una serie, película o canción que defina tu momento vital.

PG: “Little lion man”, de Mumford & Sons.


TB: Una receta, un restaurante.

PG: Me encanta disfrutar de sardinas y navajas a la brasa. Y también de la food truck Pepito Bravo, en Torredembarra.


TB: Un lugar del mundo.

PG: Punto Nemo, el lugar del óceano más remoto e inaccesible, localizado entre las islas Pitcairn, la Isla de Pascua y la Antártida.


TB: ¿Dónde invertirías 100k?

PG: Los destinaría a la educación y formación de mis hijos. Es una de las mejores inversiones que uno puede hacer.


TB: Si no fueras emprendedor…

PG: Lo intentaría de nuevo.


TB: ¿Qué es para ti Tech Barcelona?

PG: Una nueva galaxia.

9 November 2023 TB Members Calling


TB Members Calling #82 | Denisa Gibovic: “Blockchain technology helps us build a more sustainable world”

9 November 2023 TB Members Calling

From encouraging the recycling of cans and plastic bottles, to promoting circularity in supply chains and tracking port waste. All this is possible thanks to blockchain technology and, of course, to the ideas of this entrepreneur and her team. After more than 20 years linked to innovation and technological research projects, Denisa Gibovic (Sarajevo, 1975) is now the director and founder of Blue Room Innovation, a company that develops applications based on blockchain and dedicated to sustainability initiatives.


TB: What is the purpose of your project?

DG: We want to be part of the circular economy revolution, using technology to build a more sustainable world. Our purpose is to accompany people in the transformation of their businesses towards sustainability.


TB: What is the current state of the project and where do you see it in two years’ time?

DG: After going through the creation of the first MVPs of our main technological solutions (RECICLOS, CircularTrust or CircularPort), this year we are at a point where the priority is to continue testing in real environments, piloting cases and learning how we can create more value for our clients. In two years we will be in full growth and we hope to be able to reach new industries with blockchain solutions that allow them to move quickly and agilely towards their sustainable development goals.


TB: A good idea you have had.

DG: Creating Blue Room Innovation. I am very happy to be able to lead a company with such a challenging and important purpose, both for us and for the next generations.


TB: What is the biggest challenge you have faced?

DG: Although it is something that very few people know, I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina, spent my childhood in Sarajevo and my adolescence as a war refugee. I remember that time as a great challenge, as I could not feel the freedom that we all hope for at that vital moment in our development.


TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.

DG: I was very impressed by the advice of a former partner. His “never ever give up” is always with me and motivates me on difficult days.


TB: A professional reference that inspires you.

DG: One of my greatest references is Alfons Cornella, for his restless mind and his approach to innovation processes.He has inspired us and contributed a lot – and I’m sure he will continue to do so – during the creation of our projects.


TB: A technology that will shape the future.

DG: Blockchain technology is the new revolution. A commitment to transparency, security and trust that will soon be available to everyone. That is what we are here for.


TB: In-person or remote?

DG: Meeting and sharing day-to-day life in person is essential if we are not to lose the more human side of relationships. Glances during a meeting, coffee conversations or brainstorming on a whiteboard are not the same on a screen. However, society is moving forward and teleworking is a reality that brings other advantages. Flexibility in this sense is important and adapting the organisation to offer this opportunity is a good option.


TB: A startup or company.

DG: Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a great reference when it comes to innovation and sustainability consulting. For us, who work with innovative digital instruments such as the digital product passport, it is a source of knowledge and inspiration.


TB: What do you do to disconnect?

DG: My moments of relaxation are sacred. I like to read, practice yoga regularly and enjoy walking on the beach and in the mountains.


TB: A book to recommend.

DG: “The Wild Palms” is a novel by William Faulkner that explores the desire for freedom and love in complex situations. The novel has a fragmented narrative structure and examines human relationships, sacrifices in the pursuit of freedom and fleeting happiness.


TB: A series, film or song that defines your moment in life.

DG: Ibrahim Maalouf, born in Beirut in 1980 and based in Paris because of the war in Lebanon, is a contemporary jazz musician known for fusing diverse styles, including soul, pop, hip-hop and Arabic music. “True Story”, from the 2013 album “Illusions”, is a track that, like a rollercoaster, slowly rises to its instrumental peak, then returns again to the catchy leitmotif and rises again at the end. Spectacular.


TB: One recipe, one restaurant.

DG: I recommend the restaurant “Unagi” in Palamós. It is a Japanese restaurant, located a few streets away from the beach and the port, where I go very often. If you are fans of sushi and Japanese food you will not be disappointed.


TB: A place in the world.

DG: Mount Fuji and its natural and cultural environment fascinate me.


TB: Where would you invest 100k?

DG: I would organise a charity gala to raise a scholarship fund for underprivileged children.


TB: If you weren’t an entrepreneur…

DG: If I wasn’t an entrepreneur, I think I’d be going round in circles until I finally ended up becoming one. It sounds a bit redundant, but I can’t imagine my life any other way.


TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?

DG: I see Tech Barcelona as a great ecosystem to meet, connect and grow professionally and personally. I believe in the power of connection and collaboration to think big and offer the world the best solutions to its problems.

2 November 2023 TB Members Calling


TB Members Calling #81 | Mario Scalabrino: “I love science, dancing and people, but not necessarily in that order”

2 November 2023 TB Members Calling

Rapid digitisation in all sectors has created an urgency to legally certify the digital assets of companies and individuals, from documents to photos, videos or audios. And Mario Scalabrino (Rome, 1973), founder and CEO of Certifydoc, has chosen blockchain as his main ally to address this need. With a degree in Electronic Engineering and a master’s degree in Mediation and Conflict Resolution, Mario worked as a former international software sales manager and served in the Italian Armed Forces as a forensic scientific researcher. Until, a decade ago, he decided to unite his passions and develop them from Barcelona.

“I am enthusiastic about science, nature, dancing, partying and people, but not necessarily in that order. I also love people who show tolerance, equality and respect for others”.


TB: What is the purpose of your project?

MS: We are currently focused on our most ambitious and disruptive project to date. INRB is a SaaS cloud solution for data interoperability [the ability of systems to exchange data securely and automatically] with legal notarisation and blockchain traceability for multimodal transport operators. The ongoing digital transformation is going from paper to PDF. We will take it to the second level: from PDF to interoperable public data.


TB: What is the current state of the project and where do you see it in two years’ time?

MS: INRB is already available as a minimum viable product. In the next two years, we will enable all institutions and multimodal transport platforms in Europe to benefit from the solution and comply with the European directive on sustainability and decarbonisation.


TB: A good idea you have had.

MS: Surround myself with tolerant people with common values.


TB: What is the biggest challenge you have faced?

MS: In general, personal challenges. To persist and not give up, especially when something is unfair and you cannot change it.


TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.

MS: Accept what you cannot change. You will live better.


TB: A professional reference that inspires you.

MS: My partner and friend Riccardo Di Mambro, an entrepreneur of high moral values, competent and efficient. Always restless, never overbearing.


TB: A technology that will shape the future.

MS: Blockchain infrastructure (not cryptocurrencies).


TB: In-person or remote?

MS: 50/50. Both have their advantages. In my opinion, the hybrid method is ideal.


TB: A startup or company.

MS: Reclamador.es. It helps citizens and is cost-effective. A fantastic project that I hope will continue to be successful and can be expanded throughout Europe.


TB: What do you do to disconnect?

MS: I dance salsa, play music with my flamenco fusion group and go to science conferences with my partner.


TB: A book to recommend.

MS: “Foundation series”, by Isaac Asimov.


TB: A series, film or song that defines your moment in life.

MS: The Big Bang Theory. Funny, scientific and self-ironic.


TB: A recipe, a restaurant.

MS: “Parmigiana di melanzane siciliana”. Not from a restaurant, but cooked by a Sicilian grandmother at home. They are unrivalled.


TB: A place in the world.

MS: A silent lake in the mountains.


TB: Where would you invest 100k?

MS: In addition to our project, in European companies specialised in the refining of rare metals and minerals.


TB: If you were not an entrepreneur…

MS: He would be a philosopher of ethics in technology.


TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?

MS: A key player in the development of technology in Spain and southern Europe. A place of excellence where you can connect with first-class people, and which marks a path of success for everyone.

26 October 2023 TB Members Calling


TB Members Calling #80 | Laura Lizama: “It is difficult for me to find references of women entrepreneurs of my age.”

26 October 2023 TB Members Calling

Laura Lizama (Valencia, 1997), biomedical engineer, began her recent professional career in the innovation and technology transfer unit of the Hospital Parc Taulí in Sabadell. She spent two and a half years managing health innovation projects at a leading public health centre while, at the same time, she promoted her own project with her partner Sofía Ferreira. The medtech startup heecap, created in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, offers a medical device that stimulates breathing in mechanically ventilated patients to improve their pulmonary recovery.

“We have the first minimum viable product. Clinical trials on patients have produced good results. We have secured our first investment. And we are expanding our team.”


TB: What is the purpose of your project?

LL: Our aim is to prevent and treat the respiratory muscle atrophy suffered by all patients on mechanical ventilation supports in intensive care units. When this type of patient receives high doses of sedation, their muscles stop working and the disuse leads to a lot of muscle weakness. The atrophy prevents the patient from having enough strength to breathe on their own and makes extubation and respiratory recovery difficult. Our aim is to improve the quality of life of these patients with the heecap® device, a personalised, non-invasive electrostimulation system.


TB:  What is the current state of the project and where do you see it in two years’ time?

LL: Now that the first minimum viable product and the first clinical trials on patients at Parc Taulí have been successfully completed, our sights are set on next year, when we will conduct the pivotal clinical trial. This will allow us to complete all the regulatory documentation to obtain the CE marking from the European Union.


TB: A good idea you have had.

LL: I think heecap is a good idea, don’t you?


TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.

LL: Go alone and you’ll go fast, go together and you’ll go far. It’s a very typical phrase, but I believe in it one hundred percent. Especially in the startup world – it’s the team that makes the whole thing work.


TB: A professional reference that inspires you.

LL: I always look at women health entrepreneurs. I like them, they inspire me. Among them, Ana Maiques and Yolanda Casas from Neuroelectrics, and Carmen Rios from Doctomatic. But it’s hard for me to find women and entrepreneurs of my age. María González of the startup Tucuvi is one of them, but who else?


TB: A technology that will shape the future.

LL: My father always says it will be the autonomous car. And I agree.


TB: In-person or remote?

LL: Face-to-face. Nothing like human connections.


TB: A startup or company.

LL: I always look at startups similar to mine, to analyse the stages they are in and the steps they are taking. I am also inspired by the people behind them. Health startups whether they are hardware, software or both: Neuroelectrics, Innitius and Able Human Motion.


TB: What do you do to disconnect?

LL: I like to swim in the sea whenever I can. And if not, in the pool.


TB: A book to recommend.

LL: “Paula”, by Isabel Allende. It accompanied me on my trip to Chile in 2017. It is a book that I will always recommend for the humanity with which it is written. On a professional level, I really like “The Founder’s Dilemmas”. Every chapter is a learning experience!


TB: A series, film or song that defines your moment in life.

LL: I’m not much of a series person, and when I was little I only liked to watch “Matilda”. But right now I’m hooked on all of Ricardo Darín’s films: for its intensity and dynamism, the one that most represents the current moment is “Relatos Salvajes”. Song, “La raíz”, by Valeria Castro.


TB: One recipe, one restaurant.

LL: My favourite dish is my mother’s cheeks of beef. I haven’t even asked her for the recipe because I’m sure they’ll never turn out as well.


TB: A place in the world.

LL: My first trip alone –two months in Chile– made Valparaíso my favourite city.


TB: Where would you invest 100k?

LL: In heecap.


TB: If you were not an entrepreneur…

LL: In heecap. In another life, I would have liked to work in a circus. I love acrobatics, body work and living in community. In this life, wherever I may be, but close to patients and taking care of health problems.


TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?

LL: It’s a place to meet people with similar interests and challenges – the Pier07 experience is top! It’s easy to go for a coffee and meet someone who connects you with a key person, or gives you an interesting idea or insight.

19 October 2023 TB Members Calling


TB Members Calling #79 | Mo Gaspart: “They say that laughing wrinkles the skin, but not laughing wrinkles the soul.”

19 October 2023 TB Members Calling

A born hotelier with a disruptive soul. Guillermo ‘Mo’ Gaspart (Barcelona, 1978) represents the fourth generation of a hotel saga created a century ago by his great-grandfather and, at the same time, embodies a spirit of change in a traditional sector. A decade ago, he set out to revolutionise the way hotel rooms were booked, with the aim of offering greater flexibility and personalisation by introducing the concept of pay-per-use. And the result of this is the BYHOURS microstay platform, of which he is CEO and founder together with his professional ‘brother’ Christian Rodríguez.

The company currently allows hourly room bookings in more than 600 destinations and 4,000 hotels, which have seen BYHOURS as the solution to maintain a constant flow of people throughout the day in their establishments.


TB: What is the purpose of your project?

GG: We allow hotel guests to choose the check-in and check-out time of their stay, while at the same time giving hoteliers an additional way to increase their revenue. We put a lot of emphasis on the ‘win-win’ for the user and the hotelier.


TB: What is the current state of the project and where do you see it in two years’ time?

GG: I am not able to see more than three months. Anyone who says otherwise is deluding himself or herself, a speculative or theoretical idea with no other purpose than to give pleasure to the person who has come up with it.


TB: A good idea you have had.

GG: Getting married to my wife! A decision I made 18 years ago and I’m still amazed at how lucky I was


TB: What is the biggest challenge you have faced?

GG: Winning a race against more than 50 million opponents. On the day I was sired, I came first to the finish line. There was no prize or recognition for everyone else. Only one won, and that was me.


TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.

GG: Don’t listen to advice. I think that’s the best thing you can do. The world is full of enlightened people who will confuse rather than enlighten.


TB: A professional reference that inspires you.

GG: Cesar Ritz, a Swiss who revolutionised the hotel sector at the beginning of the last century. And my father, someone with whom I shared the beginning of my professional career and who still gives me lessons in attitude.


TB: A technology that will shape the future.

GG: The one that gets us to set foot on the moon. It is absurd to think that 50 years ago we would set foot on the moon with the technology that existed then -less than what my mobile phone has- and that today we will not spend our weekends there. When it really happens, a lot of things will change.


TB: In-person or remote?

GG: In-person, no doubt about it! The new generations will pay dearly for the remote. We are indulging them and making them believe that work is like a ‘hobby’. Flexibility yes, but human beings are social by nature and isolating ourselves is contrary to productivity.


TB: A startup or company.

GG: Civitatis. I am amazed at what they have achieved with almost no noise and without raising a single euro of capital until very recently.


TB: What do you do to disconnect?

GG: Sport, lots of sport, and laughing, which they say wrinkles the skin, but it doesn’t wrinkle the soul! I think we have to relativise many of the things that happen to us. In fact, they say that 90% of the things that worry us or keep us awake at night will never happen.


TB: A book to recommend.

GG: I don’t read! It bores me to death. But of course, if you say so, it sounds like you’re uneducated. I recommend the Bible: a true story of the most relevant character in the history of mankind.


TB: A series, film or song that defines your moment in life.

GG: Series, “Fariña”. Film, “Cast Away” or “Catch Me If You Can”. And song, it depends on the moment, as music goes with the mood. At the moment I’ll go for “The Gambler”, by Kenny Rogers.


TB: One recipe, one restaurant.

GG: A good gazpacho. Lobster with eggs and chips. And “Bonanova” restaurant in Barcelona.


TB: A place in the world.

GG: Formentera, Mexico City and Camp Nou, although we’ll see if and when we can return.


TB: Where would you invest 100k?

GG: I would invest it in a great holiday. It would be the most profitable and highest return I could have at the moment.


TB: If you were not an entrepreneur…

GG: Hotelier. I am fascinated by the sector and would love to spend the last days of my life in a hotel.


TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?

GG: A meeting point for people who share the same professional concerns and, in many cases, lifestyles. People who are not conformist and who are not risk averse.

12 October 2023 TB Members Calling


TB Members Calling #78 | Sergio Esteve de Miguel Anglada: “Innovation is the vehicle that drives companies”

12 October 2023 TB Members Calling

A passionate entrepreneur and finance enthusiast, Sergio Esteve de Miguel Anglada (Barcelona, 1986) is the co-founder and Co-CEO of the legaltech startup Bigle Legal. After graduating in Business Administration and a Master in International Business in London, Shanghai and New York, he worked in a multinational company in Dubai as Head of Audit and Risk Management. In 2017, after travelling around the world, he returned to Spain to set up the company he now runs with his brother Alejandro. Two years later, already consolidated in the legal sector, he co-founded the Global Legal Tech Hub initiative, of which he is treasurer and board member.


TB: What is the purpose of your project?

SE: At Bigle Legal we offer Contract Lyfecycle Management (CLM) software, a no-code platform in the cloud that automates the legal operations of companies, improving security and minimising the risk of contingencies. And we do this using technologies such as document automation or contract management combined with artificial intelligence, to make those tedious manual processes of working with legal documents possible through a flexible, intuitive platform that offers total control over their lifecycle.


TB: What is the current state of the project and where do you see it in two years’ time?

SE: Our project is in full expansion, both nationally and internationally. In addition, we are building the first CLM with artificial intelligence GPT legal in the world, which positions us as leaders in the digital transformation of the legal and business sector. We also plan to grow our team to drive innovation and development of our technology. Innovation is the vehicle that moves companies.


TB: A good idea you have had.

SE: Education should be more practical and less theoretical. Then we can apply what we learn and discover our true passions – practicality and passion go hand in hand!


TB: A bad professional experience.

SE: I call it “professional learning” and I have certainly experienced many lessons. One of the most important things I learned is that finding exceptional employees is critical to success. And to do that, you have to invest in a solid recruitment process and develop a committed team.


TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.

SE: Have patience in the exciting creation of a technology company. While it can be tempting to want quick results, patience allows us to build solidly, overcome challenges and adapt to change. Ultimately, keep the long-term vision and enjoy the journey, knowing that each step brings us closer to success.


TB: A professional reference that inspires you.

SE: I am inspired by Richard Branson for his collaborative leadership style. His ability to connect emotionally with his team, his empathy, charisma and courage are qualities I seek to cultivate in my own career.


TB: A technology that will shape the future.

SE: Without a doubt, AI. It is changing the world because it totally transforms the way we work, live and relate to each other, even going beyond the limits of what we thought possible. At Bigle Legal we have been working on this technology for years to be pioneers: it allows us to automate and streamline processes, analyse large volumes of data and extract valuable insights, reduce errors and improve accuracy in drafting and reviewing contracts.


TB: In-person or remote?

SE: In remote mode. But also in person. In our company we are committed to a remote model but, if you wish, you can also come to work at our offices in Barcelona or Madrid. We believe that teleworking adds value to our staff and fulfils our objectives in a satisfactory way. However, we still love to share moments together in the office.


TB: A startup or company.

SE: Red Points.


TB: What do you do to disconnect?

SE: Exercise and travel. The former helps me to release stress and keep fit, while the latter allows me to escape from routine and find inspiration in new places and experiences. Both are crucial to my well-being and creativity as an entrepreneur.


TB: A book to recommend.

SE: “The Lessons of History” by Will and Ariel Durant. Short and to the point, it compresses centuries of history into 117 pages and focuses on the lessons of history, not the events that define it. As Winston Churchill said, “those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it”, making it extremely useful for any technology entrepreneur.


TB: A series, film or song that defines your moment in life.

SE: The film “Moneyball”.


TB: One recipe, one restaurant.

SE: Peruvian Lomo saltado, Indian food and Molino de Pez restaurant in Barcelona.


TB: A place in the world.

SE: Argentine Patagonia. I highly recommend walking up to Lago de los Tres.


TB: Where would you invest 100k?

SE: In OpenAI.


TB: If you were not an entrepreneur…

SE: It would be an investor.


TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?

SE: This great technology ecosystem personally allows me to expand my network of contacts (many Bigle Legal clients are partners of the association), strengthen my skills and access key resources to grow my business.

5 October 2023 TB Members Calling


TB Members Calling #77 | Nàhia Gironès: “When you feel comfortable in a situation, it is time to change”

5 October 2023 TB Members Calling

Who better than talented young people for your organisation to be able to make a match with gen Z? At the age of 22 and recently graduated in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation from the University of Mondragón, Nàhia Gironès Blanco (Barcelona, 2001) has set out, together with her partner Adriana Bisbe, to connect companies and institutions with young talent through the startup YOUZ Talent. So far, she has already managed to attract the attention of institutions such as the Generalitat de Catalunya, Barcelona City Council and the Telefónica Foundation.

“Talking to many people, meeting companies from different sectors and carrying out many projects, always dealing with a key theme: young talent. That’s what YOUZ Talent allows us to do on a daily basis.


TB: What is the purpose of your project?

NG: Our goal is to build an outstanding ecosystem for young talent, providing resources and opportunities to bridge the generation gap between young people and companies.


TB: What is the current state of the project and where do you see it in two years’ time?

NG: The company has been officially incorporated since March 2023. Since then, we have been making a name for ourselves by working on projects such as VIBEZ, a digital culture festival created with the aim of facilitating the connection between young talent and the technology sector in Catalonia. In two years, YOUZ Talent will be consolidated in the sector, with its own ecosystem that will allow systematic feedback from all its elements.


TB: A good idea you have had.

NG: At the beginning we were not sure how to describe ourselves. We didn’t consider ourselves a generational consultancy, as we didn’t advise, we created. Until, playing with concepts, we came up with the idea of calling ourselves “GENerator”, as we generate spaces to interconnect generations. Playing with the terms ‘generate’ and ‘generation’, dealing with the subject we deal with, seemed to me a good idea, and allows us to better explain what we do.


TB: What is the biggest challenge you have faced?

NG: Overcoming the limits that I impose on myself. Insecurities often arise, and day by day I have to put them aside so that they don’t stop me from doing anything I set out to do.


TB:The best advice you’ve ever been given.

NG: When you feel comfortable in a situation, it’s time to change. Your work should always challenge you in order to learn, evolve and grow. Getting out of your comfort zone helps you to get to know yourself better.


TB: A professional reference that inspires you.

NG: Being faithful to my generation, known as ‘Z’, I would like to highlight Dulceida, the first Spanish ‘influencer’. A woman who has not only managed to position and reinvent herself over the years as the main fashion influencer in Spain, but who, with effort, perseverance and passion, has managed to create a personal brand so strong that it has led to four different companies: an influencer agency, a festival, an awards gala and a clothing brand.


TB: A technology that will shape the future.

NG: Without a doubt, Artificial Intelligence. Although we only know a small part of its potential, it is already revolutionising the world as we know it.


TB: In-person or remote?

NG: Hybrid: neither too much nor too little. I think it is interesting to have both options on the table. I usually tend to be a face-to-face team because it allows me to work more fluidly with my partner. However, remote allows a lot more freedom, so I am in favour of both options coexisting.


TB: A startup or company.

NG: In terms of organisational culture, it might sound typical, but I would say Google. I am impressed by how such a large company has managed to maintain such a ‘start-up’ working environment.


TB: What do you do to disconnect?

NG: On a day-to-day basis, what allows me to disconnect the most is to meet my friends and go for a drink. Also, obviously, I have time to go to the gym, read or watch a quiet series. But the best way for me to disconnect is to go to the village in summer, leave my mobile phone and computer to one side and not use them unless absolutely necessary.


TB: A book to recommend.

NG: I loved “Donde aprenden a volar las gaviotas”, by Ana Alcolea. It is a book more for enjoyment than anything else, but if you want to disconnect and be entertained, the story is beautiful.


TB: A series, film or song that defines your moment in life.

NG: I don’t know if it reflects my moment in life, but “Madame C.J. Walker” inspired me a lot. This series is about the first black woman to start her own business and how she overcame obstacles with resilience.


TB: One recipe, one restaurant.

NG: I don’t like to cook because I’m very impatient and too lazy. So my speciality is leek vichyssoise, with the help of my great ally, the Thermomix. As for the restaurant, honouring the square where I’ve spent the most hours playing, I choose “El Sortidor” in the Poble Sec neighbourhood.


TB: A place in the world.

NG: Menorca. It seems to me a paradise where I would go every summer.


TB: Where would you invest 100k?

NG: At the moment, I would invest them in the festival we are creating. I want to have more resources to make it even bigger and have as much impact as possible.


TB: If you weren’t an entrepreneur…

NG: Well, I have no idea where I would be. Probably in a department of a company that would allow me to work on a project basis and give me freedom of movement. Marketing and innovation sector.


TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?

NG: It is a network that brings together corporations, startups and entrepreneurs in Catalonia. It is an ecosystem that makes it easy to meet interesting projects and people, always willing to talk and discover.

28 September 2023 TB Members Calling


TB Members Calling #76 | Irene Gómez: “Just as we have robot hoovers in our homes, industries will incorporate robot dogs”.

28 September 2023 TB Members Calling

Just as dogs are a human being’s best friend, Keyper is the tireless technological ally of Irene Gómez (Barcelona, 1987), CEO and co-founder -together with robotics expert Hilario Tomé– of Keybotic, a deeptech startup dedicated to the creation of autonomous robot dogs designed to perform industrial inspections.

Prior to her entrepreneurial venture in 2020, Irene Gómez, with a background in economics and law, held the position of COO at ALLOut Security, a US-based software company leader in security and audits in several Oracle ERPs.


TB: What is the purpose of your project?

IG: Our main objective is to automate the detection and warning of anomalies in hazardous industrial plants by means of an autonomous robot dog with sensor technology and artificial intelligence. [If you didn’t get the chance to see Keyper walking around this year’s Mobile World Congress, here’s a video of him in his natural habitat.]


TB: What is the current state of the project and where do you see it in two years’ time?

IG: This year we have started deploying the robot dogs in chemical plants, where we detect gas leaks, vapour leaks or hot spots. Just like the robot hoovers in our homes, in two years’ time industries will integrate, as part of their equipment, technology to automate these inspection rounds. And we will drive this transformation.


TB: A good idea you have had.

IG: To create Keybotic: I saw the potential in industrial robotics, but also the difficulties of creating such a cutting-edge technology. In this sense, the strategy of applying first to the DAPRA Robotics Challenge and winning in order to set up the company had a lot of risk, but it ended up being key. The first prize in the competition, worth one million euros, allowed us to create something brutal with the team and in the city we wanted.


TB: What is the biggest challenge you have faced?

IG: I went to live in Ireland when I was 15 years old and didn’t speak English. This has allowed me to travel more easily and has opened doors for me.


TB: The best advice you’ve ever been given.

IG: Difficult decisions must rest.


TB: A professional reference that inspires you.

IG: Luke Phillips, the CEO and founder of ALLOut Security. He managed to build an international organisation with a team in five countries, entirely remotely, and become a leader in the industry.


TB: A technology that will shape the future.

IG: Robotics. Not only will it be part of the future, but we are working to make it a fundamental part of the present.


TB: In-person or remote?

IG: Hybrid.


TB: A startup or company.

IG: Gecko Robotics, a US scaleup of robotics to check tanks.


TB: What do you do to disconnect?

IG: Time with family, friends and sport. And if it can be at the same time, even better.


TB: A book to recommend.

IG: “Boulder” by Eva Baltasar.


TB: A series, film or song that defines your moment in life.

IG: The film “Air”, directed by Ben Affleck.


TB: One recipe, one restaurant.

IG: Pesolda del Maresme as a recipe. And as for a restaurant, I really enjoy the experience at l’Actiu de Barcelona Activa, where we usually eat on Fridays with the whole team.


TB: A place in the world.

IG: I would recommend everyone to go to Japan. The culture shock is amazing.


TB: Where would you invest 100k?

IG: In Keybotic – I’ve actually already invested them!


TB: If you weren’t an entrepreneur…

IG: I would love to run another technology company.


TB: What is Tech Barcelona for you?

IG: The community of entrepreneurs where you can share experiences in Barcelona.